When you are negotiating household responsibilities, consider lowering your standards on how your husband does his part.
Pick an area you can really let him handle on his own. It should be one you'll be comfortable with for the rest of your life if he does things his way. For example, if your husband says he'll do his own laundry, this is great. It's going to impact him if he doesn't get it done quickly, not you.
However, if he offers to clean the kitchen sometime after dinner but before midnight, this might make you feel a little too crazy. You might want to keep this chore for yourself.
Whatever responsibilities you both negotiate as his, let him have them! They can only be his if he can take pride in what he accomplishes.
And don't nag! Don't be his mother, or his teacher or his critic.
If he forgets to do his own chore, just accept that. In the end he will deal with the failure and ultimately be proud of the success.
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